Analyzing, Envisioning and Planning Using the Enneagram
April 02, 2024
by S'Marie Young

The success of any venture depends on a good understanding of your customers, the gap you fill in the market, the  current environment, having context from knowing past history and knowing everything about how your product works and stands out from the crowd. 

In the Enneagram system of personality and development, the types that shine in strategic thinking are the head types of 5, 6 and 7. Any team would have serious gaps in these areas without having representation from this domain.

  • 5’s are on a mission to know everything about the workings of the product and how the company operates, making inter connections between the various parts. They become an excellent resource and a storehouse of knowledge with the ability to explain complex matters in an understandable way. At their best they gain knowledge from direct experience.
  • 6’s are problem solvers. They are diligent and vigilant, seeing details others miss, anticipating problems and solving them before they become an issue. At their best, they trust their inner guidance and have the courage to act on it.
  • 7’s envision future possibilities and bring people along by building enthusiasm. They are great planners. At their best they stick to the work required to bring their ideas to fruition before moving on to the next fascinating idea. 

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When present in mind, body and heart, 5, 6, 7,’s lead with clarity, insight, discernment and wisdom. Through analyzing, understanding and planning they can ensure any venture is on the right track, catch the glitches and plan for future innovations. 

If you aren’t one of these types, learn from them, and see how you can develop these strengths. Expand self development by becoming more self aware. Spend time reflecting and writing down insights, brainstorming ideas and trusting inner guidance. Develop a thoughtful plan of action. Do this and you will gain clarity and act with intentionality. You and others will trust that you know what you are talking about.

S'Marie Young is a conscious leadership coach, author, poet, and a lifelong seeker of the truth. Integrating core wisdom and best practices from the Enneagram, she offers transformative insights into self-development and an innovative approach to leadership competencies.
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