Turning Point
August 29, 2022
by S'Marie Young

Fifteen years ago, my life was forever changed. In life there are turning points, endings and new beginnings, loss and letting go. Sometimes it creeps up slowly, other times it’s sudden and dramatic as happens with accident, death, a cancer diagnosis.

I had the life I imagined—my dreams had all come true. Slowly though, through the years, disillusionment crept in. There was something missing. Purpose unfulfilled. Currents of loneliness, angst, anger and grief swirled beneath the surface of my blessed life.

Still, I didn’t want it to end. To be single, midlife, starting over.  Different location, new career, new friends, different name, new me. A fresh identity. But that’s what happened.  I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything in the world.

When you aren’t on point, life has a way of throwing everything up in the air so you can recalibrate, realign, redirect, and land where you are supposed to be. How can you tell where that is when everything is topsy-turvy? It takes faith, trust and courage to sit in the uncertainty and let the past go, stepping into the unknown.

The turning point is turning within to find your center where there is gravity and grounding.

It’s a homecoming where love, security, worthiness and fulfillment reside, no matter how fast the world spins out of control. The ticket to pass through the turnstile is acceptance. Accepting that everything happens for a reason, that where you are is right where you belong.

You are not alone. We each have our own turning point, our own path, but the journey is universal. The turning point I entered fifteen years ago spawned my book, Emergence a Path to Presence: Discovering Your True Inner Self for a More Fulfilled Life. I collected poetry and stories about the pathway, sharing the map, resources, and enclaves of comfort I found along the way. It’s a journey that continues to evolve, who I am becoming is yet to emerge. Yet, I see glimpses of her, and I like her. A lot!

You are invited to celebrate with me the digital launch of Emergence October 4, 2022. Watch for upcoming posts and events.

S'Marie Young is a conscious leadership coach, author, poet, and a lifelong seeker of the truth. Integrating core wisdom and best practices from the Enneagram, she offers transformative insights into self-development and an innovative approach to leadership competencies.
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