Pushing the Growth Edge
July 16, 2024
by S'Marie Young

Have you reached a point in your life where you are no longer challenged or stimulated by what you do? It has become mundane, routine, too easy. You know you have more to offer, but you aren’t sure what that is, if you can transform where you are, or if you need a whole different role or career change.

There comes a point where you can no longer tread water—you have to do something, make a move. The problem is, you don’t have a clear idea of what move to make, what is the right action to take. Or, you have a long held, almost forgotten dream that is calling you, making you feel uncomfortable, even bad that you’ve lost sight of it and traveled such a different path.

Life is not static, it is always changing, and we change along with it.

Fighting to keep the status quo is pointless, yet there is a comfort in the familiar, even if it is no longer serving you well. There is a risk that you won’t like your new role or career, where you’ve moved isn’t as nice as where you left, or, and this is a big one—you fail. Stepping out, making a bigger impact has inherent risks–are you up to the challenge?

The real change comes from within. When you change your thoughts, your perceptions and how you feel, your outside life shifts. Small changes at first, hardly noticeable, then seemingly all of a sudden, your whole life is different. It does trace back to those initial inklings and yearning to do and be something different. There was an intention made somewhere along the line, a yes answer to your heart’s desire.

When we write down our deepest heart’s desires, they become intentions and goals, and are imbued with power. (From Emergence)

Bring your lifeforce energy into alignment towards your highest potential and best contribution. Stretch your limits and make a steadfast commitment to growth and transformation.


What is the edge you’re up against to reach the next level of growth? Do you want to breakthrough to real, impactful change in yourself and your life? I can help. Reach out for a conversation to find out how.

S'Marie Young is a conscious leadership coach, author, poet, and a lifelong seeker of the truth. Integrating core wisdom and best practices from the Enneagram, she offers transformative insights into self-development and an innovative approach to leadership competencies.
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